the_three_kings_aldariaTis The Season To Be Jolly.. and so forth.  So in the true Christmas spirit, and as a gift to those who awaits the upcoming album here is Aldaria‘s cover of ‘The Three Kings’.

Merry Christmas from Aldaria to all of you. Vocals by Todd Michael Hall, David Åkesson, Tomi Fooler, Bernt Fjellestad & Eli Prinsen. Musicians: Frode Hovd, Paolo Campitelli, Esa Ahonen, Jimmy Hedlund & Linus Abrahamson. Mixed by Frode Hovd. Mastered by Filip Andel, The lyric video can be seen below.

The song can be downloaded for free at Aldarias‘s homepage, under the Christmas Special Menu:

Aldaria is a melodic powermetal project by Frode Hovd from the Norwegian powermetalband Memorized Dreams. With fast double bassdrums, dual guitars and uplifting melodies. Many exciting guests artists from all around the world will contribute to this project. Names are listed below.

Frode Hovd says: ‘The idea behind Aldaria started years ago. I have always wanted to create something this big, and to get the chance to work with some of the best talents in the world. I started to work on Aldaria when my band Memorized Dreams had to take a break due to workcommitments and other things.’

“Aldaria is the place and dimension between Heaven & Hell, Where sinners come to be redeemed, or forever be banished to Hell. There are signs of a darker time ahead, with torn and slayed angels falling from the sky in broad daylight. If evil will find foothold in Aldaria, this will be the end of all light. Someone will have to find the lightbringer, the chosen to enter Aldaria, and from within: find the Key to end all wars”

Vocals: Fabio Lione (Angra, Rhapsody), Todd Michael Hall (Riot V), Nils K Rue (Pagan’s Mind), Max Aguzzi (Dragonhammer), Tommy ReinXeed Johansson (ReinXeed), Kristoffer Göbel (ex Destiny & ex Falconer), Eli Prinsen (Sacred Warrior), Marius Danielsen (Darkest Sins), Nick Holleman (Vicious Rumors), Christian Palin (Random Eyes/ Magic Kingdom), Başak Ylva (Dream Ocean), Marit Børresen, PelleK (PelleK), Bernt Fjellestad (Guardians of Time), Yannis Papadopoulos (Wardrum), Rob Lundgren.

Musicans: Frode Hovd (Memorized Dreams), Andreas Nergård (Nergard), Christer Harøy (Divided Multitude/Crossnail), Rayner Harøy (Divided Multitude/Crossnail), Jimmy Hedlund (Falconer), Mike LePond (Symphony X), Filip Andel (Within Silence), Uli Kusch (Ex Helloween), Filip Koluš (Signum Regis), Ronnie König (Signum Regis).


Weblinks: Website / Facebook

Lyric Video: ‘The Three Kings’

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