Thumper Punk Records and Caustic Fallout are pleased to announce the release of the “Punk for The Gospel Benefit Compilation”, a two volume compilation featuring songs donated by 42 bands to raise money to support the work of foreign Missionaries from within the Christian punk community.

Missionary families that will be supported by this compilation are those of Dave Emmerson of The Old-timers and Aaron “Liberty” Wells of True Liberty.  Of the 42 songs, there are 19 new or previously unreleased songs, including the first song released by The Deal in 8 years, a live recording of an unreleased song from Call to Glory, and new recordings by False Idle and The WAY, among many others.

Volume 1 (in order of appearance) features The Old-timers, Infirmities, Hippos of Doom, Dogwood, The Lonely Revolts, Flatfoot 56, Call to Glory, Platoon 1107, Grace & Thieves, Unshackled, The Hoax, Don’t Get Bored, Gorilla Warfare, Government Hate Mail, Lust Control, uniSEF, The Social Threat, The Altar Billies, The Scurvies, Mason Summers, and The Shiny Darks.

Volume 2 features True Liberty, False Idle, The WAY, The Deal, Grave Robber, Jump Ship Quick, Absolved, The Smiley Kids, The Kings Kids, Saint Hooligan, Praiser, Vincible, 100 Philistine Foreskins, Empty Tomb, Desiring Dead Flesh, Revolution Radio, Metanoia, Covenant, Craig’s Brother, Goodnight Wednesday, and 180 OUT.

Volumes 1 and 2 are available for purchase in CD format from the Thumper Punk Records webstore, and digital versions are available through iTunes, AmazonMP3 and the usual suspects.  All praise and glory to Him.

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