vivaldi logoVivaldi Metal Project are delighted to announce that their crowd-funding campaign on PledgeMusic has reached 100% of GOAL!

‘Dear Symphonic Metal friends, fans, supporters, lovers and all the awesome cast of musicians and collaborators, we want to thank you for making this music adventure huge, real and so EPIC! Please, keep pledging and supporting us! Our campaign is open and running right until we release the project. Book the album and/or our nice exclusives. If you did not book it yet, here you go, you do not want to miss it’.

Vivaldi Metal Project, is an ALL-METAL-STARS amazing project that will blow you away! The project is lead by, keyboardist Mistheria [Bruce Dickinson, Rob Rock, Roy Z, Mark Boals, John West, etc.] and bassist Alberto Rigoni [solo artist, TwinSpirits].

The classic legendary masterpiece “The Four Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi will be arranged in a Metal version and will be performed by top class musicians from all the world.

The Vivaldi Metal Project is an independent project, the staff is looking for supporters who can help in reaching the needed budget for the production (recordings, mixing, mastering, etc.) through a fundraising campaign. There are 17 really unique and great exclusives!

Pledgers will be part of an exciting journey which only the pledgers will have access to, including EXCLUSIVE UPDATES, MUSIC and VIDEOS not available elsewhere!

The Vivaldi Metal Project features all-metal-stars such as:

Mistheria, Alberto Rigoni, Rick Wakeman, Mark Boals, Michael Lepond, John Macaluso, Dani Loeble, Vitalij Kuprij, Mark Cross, Andreas Passmark, Rolf Munkes, Benjamin Lechuga, Andrea De Paoli, Atma Anur, Csaba Zvekan, Steve Di Giorgio, Armand Melnbardis, Nicolas Quinteros, Mirkko De Maio, Nicolas Waldo, Max Aguzzi, Maria Diese, Simone Mularoni, Dr. Viossy, Basak Ylva, Chris Adler, Tommy Denander, Douglas Docker, Pawel Penksa, Roger Staffelbach, Fabrizio Leo, Chity Somapala, Lars Lehmann, Pier Gonella, Emir Hot, Rick Renstrom, Maurizio Boco, Maria Diese, Giovanni Tomassucci, Dino Fiorenza, Keiko Kumagai, Goran Nystrom, Andy Basiola, Nicolas Quinteros, Ivan Mihaljevic, Gabriels Shiro, Francesco Dall’O’, Iliour Griften, Tom Asvold, Neil Zaza, Srdjan Brankovic, Niels Vejlyt, Stefano Sbrignadello, Filippo Lui, Katerina Simeonova, Giorgia Gueglio, Dimitar Belchev, Milan Polak, Rachel Pedri, Leonardo Porcheddu, Tomas Varnagiris, Richard Marks, Tony Liotta, Roberto Scarpa Meylougan,

and more to be announced…

Part of the income will be donated to ‘Lega del Filo d’Oro’, a organisation who helps deafblind and multisensory impaired people.

Donate now and reserve your exclusives:



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