To Cross An Angel has released their debut single Saphrophyte the song is taken from their upcoming full length album which wil be released via Sanctus Gladius Records. This new band has a great sound and is looking forward to an early 2013 release of their full length album. The single is available for free download here.

To Cross An Angel is a three piece Christian Metal Band out of Virginia, MN. Lana Morrow [Guitar and clean/scream vocals], and Terran Morrow [Bass and back up growls/clean vocals] formed the band after parting ways with a formed secular band known as Silenced at 801. Shortly after forming To Cross An Angel, they added Luke Miller [drums] to the band.

After playing together as a three piece for a few months, Luke ran into some personal conflicts and had to part ways. At this point in time, Lana and Terran made the decision to operate as a two piece. Lana stayed on guitar and Terran moved to playing drums along with synth. Linking a guitar amp to a bass amp split on a multi-effects pedal provided the “more full” sound for live performances. In mid August 2012, Luke contacted Lana and Terran as he was ready to fully commit to the music again. Terran moved back to bass and the original 3 piece was united again. In September 2012, the group was contacted by Sanctus Gladius Records and signed to the label later on that month. With the love and commitment for God and metal music, To Cross An Angel presents christian metal with heart, soul and faith.

Weblinks: Facebook / Website

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