Tooth & Nail Records’ rock band Thousand Foot Krutch has issued the follwing message:

As many of you may know, we announced in November that we would be launching our next record, The End Is Where We Begin completely independent. We asked you, the fans, to help support us by partnering with us on Kickstarter. Your response has been amazing! We wanted to give you a couple more unique options to help support us.

You can go to Kickstarter to pre-order the new album and get some really great packages as part of that. Some things you can get areexclusive t-shirt (only for those that support on Kickstarter), exclusive poster (only for those that support on Kickstarter),vinyl copy of the new album, and of course every option you want for the new album (digital, physical, both)

​Here’s a link to the Kickstarter page – Kickstarter

We really appreciate your support! You are truly the best fans! You rawk!

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