Brutal Death Metal Band Taking The Head Of Goliath (TTHOG) have checked in with the following studio update:

The mixing process of our debut record is now complete and mastering will begin on 12/5. The PAR OLOFFSON cover art is complete and absolutely incredible!!! The CD and booklet layout will begin next week as well. WE ARE SHOOTING FOR A FEBRUARY/MARCH RELEASE. Thank you all for your support and your patience. We assure you good things come to those who wait… AND THE WAIT IS COMING TO AN END!!!

TTHOG‘s debut EP, which will be released through Rottweiler Records. We will keep you posted.

Taking The Head Of Goliath is hailing from the Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA. TTHOG incorporates grind, slam, tech, melodic and classic death metal into a ultra-heavy sound never lacking in brutality or originality. Vocal range hits on all points of the extreme metal spectrum, from blood curdling highs to the lowest of gurgling lows. The mission of this band is to spread a message of hope, redemption, strength, freedom, patriotism and ultimately salvation through Jesus Christ. Simply put, Taking The Head Of Goliath is death metal for life.

Recently (March) we conducted an interview with TTHOG, you can find it here.

Our review of “Beyond Brutal Live” can be found here.

The band consists of:  ? – Drums, Nathan Sherman – Guitar, Rob Blake – Guitar, Luke Renno – Bass/Vocals, Jake Martin – Vocals.

Weblinks: Facebook / Bigcartel / Bandcamp

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