“Seriously?!: Letters to Myself at 21” written by Pastor Bob Beeman


pbb_bookWhat if you could go back in time and meet yourself face-to-face four decades earlier?

What would you tell your younger self?

“There are so many things I’d like you to know… So many mistakes I wish you didn’t have to make. And so much wisdom I wish you would have had at 21. I’m excited to write these letters to you. I’ve learned so much. I’ve come so far. And in many ways, I’m just beginning… You feel like you know everything. You don’t think there is much anyone can teach you. You look at people with more age and maturity as being somewhat uninformed and unenlightened. You have the world by the tail, or so you think. But you are not enlightened, you are ill-informed, and the world will begin to get very confusing. And that will be the beginning of wisdom.”

“Pastor Bob is a man of the street. His wisdom, philosophies and theology are a tremendous ministry to those who have lived ‘outside the box’ themselves”.

David EllefsonMegadeth

Pastor Bob Beeman is the founder of  Sanctuary International, which began as a church in 1985. Its vision was to provide discipleship to the Christian metal movement that was just beginning. It has been on the cutting edge of Christian metal since that time. Today, Sanctuary International is a ministry, NOT a church, reaching out to the metal community worldwide. Pastor Bob, along with many on the Sanctuary International staff, work with Christian Metal festivals around the world.

The book is available available at Amazon / Nordic Mission

An Interview with pastor Bob can be found here.

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