Fuel For The Fire EPThe new Flesh Incineration EP, “Fuel For The Fire,” was released earlier this month (Oct. 2nd) as a free download. Also available for streaming in the soundcloud-player below.

Flesh Incineration is grindcore with musical influences that include Vomitorial Corpulence, Regurgitate, Eternal Mystery, Carcass, and Napalm Death.

The lyrical perspectives of FxIx are rooted in a faith in Jesus Christ applied to life in a holistic manner with the understanding that the Kingdom of Heaven is indeed at hand and refers to a way of life that is to be lived out here and now in all facets of life and is concerned with societal, political, and relational issues, and that faith is not meant to be lived in a faith vs. secular bubble that is dismissive, or limiting, of secular thought or different faiths (Do atheists, agnostics, and persons of other faiths possessing great intellect and understanding not have the same Creator? Is our faith too fragile to survive learning from them?).

Furthermore, the Christian faith does not offer all answers in detail (I Cor. 13:12, “For now we see in a mirror, darkly”). The Bible is believed to be a foundation to be built upon through continual discourse inclusive of everyone and criticisms of traditional ways of thinking–all in the name of progress and continual refinement in order to better love one another. As such, the lyrical content of FxIx does not seek to fulfill a Jesus-per-song quota and does not shy away from criticizing perspectives standing in the way of love and safety that are commonly associated with the Christian faith community.

Let’s move forward. Grind onward.

Weblinks: Facebook / Bandcamp

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