Elements Of Rock proudly present the return of hardrock legends Whitecross. After two years Scott Wenzel & Rex Carroll are returning to Uster. Rex Carroll plays also a set with his other band King James, which he founded in 1993 and now K.J. has revived.

With Horde they succeeded to lure another cult act to EOR. The mastermind behind Horde is Anonymous / Jayson Sherlock [Altera Enigma, Mortification, Parameacium, InExordium, Lightforce and more]. The only Horde album Hellig Usvart was released in 1994 on Nuclear Blast. The album was highly controversial in the secular black metal scene at the time it was released. Horde played live-shows in 2006, Norway in 2010 in Finland and Germany. The show in Norway was filmed & released in 2007 on CD & DVD [The Day of Total Armageddon Holocaust – Alive in Oslo].

Other confirmed bands are:
Sacrificium, Death metal, Germany
Drottnar, Black Metal, Norway
Innersiege, Power Metal, USA
Metatrone, Melodic Metal, Italy
Aliens Ate My Setlist, Metalcore, Germany
For Christ Sake, Extreme Metal, Ireland

More bands to be announced…

Thursday: Special anniversary evening with unplugged sets and other surprises
Friday: Concerts
Saturday: Concerts & Day program
Sunday: Day program

The tenth anniversary of the annual Elements Of Rock will be held March 14 – 17 2013, Stadthofsaal, Uster, Switserland. For more information visit the EOR website.

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