In Psalm 59, David continues to sing praises to God, despite facing adversity. He concludes, “You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.” (Ps. 59:17). Hilastherion’s “Psalm 59” is a mighty EP, with “Psalm 59” sounding as much like a song of praise as it does a battle cry. Hilastherion hails from Finland, the land of the midnight sun, which is home to many great prog and extreme metal bands. There’s something stark in the sound, like the icy beauty of a forest in winter time. “Psalm 59” is sung in Swedish (if I am correct), and you can hear the light and melodic contrast with the dark and dissonant. The band describe their sound as melodic death metal, but it is unlike the Gothenburg, Sweden sound. For me, it draws more on the progressive metal side of things and maybe it’s the symphonic elements that push it into that sphere. “When Sorrow Dies” is epic. It is cold and unblack, from the guttural rumbles to the blast beats and buzzing guitars, but finds redemption in the face of God. “Hymn to the Creations of God” celebrates God as Creator, and points to our responsibility as stewards of His Creation – a responsibility we often neglect. “Psalm 59” releases on Good Friday, and if the EP is a taste of what’s to come, a great album is in the making.

“Psalm 59” scores 9/10.

Written by Karakul

Track list:
1. Psalm 59
2. When Sorrow Dies
3. Hymn to the Creations of God

Band members:
William Rönn – vocals
Niclas Buss – guitars, vocals
Henrik Böckelman – bass, clean vocals
Jari Ketola – drums
Trygve Strömvall – keyboards
Thomas Lindell – live guitars

Studio albums/EPs:
“Taken from Darkness” (full-length, 2007)
“Signs of the End” (full-length, 2014)
“Psalm 59” (ep, 2019)

Release Date: April 19th. 2019

Record label: Rottweiler Records

Weblinks: Facebook / Instagram

Buy the album here:
Holland: First Paradox
Norway: Nordic Mission

Video for “Psalm 59” (album teaser)


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