one_bad_pig_2016For a very long time it was very quiet around punk-rock band One Bad Pig (OBP), until Jan. 2016,  when the band announced a reunion and a brand new studio album. “Love You To Death” is their first studio album in 25 years. Earlier this month (July 1-3) they played their reunion show on the Black Sheep stage at Audiofeed Festival 2016 in Urbana,IL.

Fan-filmed video footage can be seen below: OBP performing the song ‘Isaiah 6’ and ‘Smash the Guitar’.  This is from their 1989 album “Smash” — if you like it, buy the album or go see them live (or both).

It all started back in 85 when Carey Womack (singer) and Paul Q-Pek (guitarist) and a couple of other guys saw a pig on a pair of sunglasses as an advertisement for St. Louis local radiostation. “That´s one bad pig!” Carey remarked and Paul replied, “that sounds like a punk group.” About three months later they played their first gig at a Christian music fest. The Birth of the Pig The guys had been out street witnessing outside local punk clubs. Now they felt the call to take the message to the people through the music, so they started play gigs at local punk clubs with a band called Criminal Crew. They had beer and curses and all kind of things thrown at them, but they kept walkin’ the walk and talkin’ the talk. As all this happend they recorded their first release, “A Christian Banned”. It was recorded at a 24 track studio in a couple of days. They called it “A Christian Banned” because in one afternoon they had been refused to play at club for being “too Christian”, and a church had refused them to play for being “too wild”. After a couple of years they were discovered by Billy Smiley (of Whiteheart) who were looking for the new Bon Jovi. He might not have found a “Bon Jovi”, but he found something so much better! He found the PIG!! (read that last sentence with a deep preacher´s voice). This lead to their first cd release in 1989. It was called “Smash”. It´s contents are great punk rock tunes, even if it isn´t as punky as it got later.

About a year later they released “Swine Flew”. It was much heavier and punkier. Yet a year later “I Scream Sunday” hit the shelves. It has several great punk songs, and even a worship song on it. In 1991 they also recorded a live album at the Cornerstone festival, that was released the year after. It was called “Live: Blow The House Down”. At that concert they also recorded a live video. Imagine stage diving, pogoing, moshing and freaking out like that on a Pig concert!!

A couple of years later, or to be more precise in 1994 came a “best of” release. “The Quinessential One Bad Pig” is a collection of the Pigs best tunes and also three new tunes. It would be many years before One Bad Pig released anything new, but eventually, in the year 2000 …, One Bad Pig once again entered the stage at Cornerstone. This resulted in a new livealbum called “Live at Cornerstone 2000”. This was their latest release to this date.

One Bad Pig‘s brand new album carries the title “Love You To Death” (their first new album in 25 years) is released on June 24th. and is available now also at iTunes.


Weblinks: Facebook / Website  / iTunes / Soundcloud

Video below: ‘Isaiah 6’

Video below: ‘Smash the Guitar’

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