Epic Symphonic Power Metal is a style that has neither too many friends in the UK nor bands which tend to indulge in this more Scandinavian or Italian genre.

Nevertheless, a certain Billy Jeffs has discovered a passion for this genre and starts working on an album in 2017. Three years later, with his new band Memories Of Old, he presents an album that impressively reflects the entire spectrum of this genre.

“The Zeramin Game” is not just a simple debut – it is an epitome of the genre. What started as a one-man-project has even aroused the interest of Sabaton/Majestica guitarist Tommy Johansson, who quickly declared himself a member of Memories Of Old. “The Zeramin Game” delivers a firework of songs that fans of Epic Symphonic Power Metal will embrace enthusiastically! The compositions are crisply produced, up to date, and simply monumental.

His main band NightMare World is not enough for multi-instrumentalist Billy Jeffs to get his fill, so he starts working on an Epic Power Metal album in 2017. He quickly convinces NightMare World keyborder Anthony Thompson to join Memories Of Old . In the same year, he gets in touch with Tommy Johansson (Sabaton, Majestica, ReinXeed, Golden Resurrection), his biggest influence and hero for more than ten years, and the two become friends. Meanwhile, Billy Jeffs continues to work on his album – Johansson knows about that and offers him to sing on the album. Jeffs cannot believe his luck and works even harder on the songs… – And as the years go by, Johansson sings them one by one.

In June 2019, Memories Of Old signed with Limb Music. Two digital singles of the upcoming album are released, the band recorded them at Rogue Studios in London with producer Alessio GaravelloErick Tekilla joins the band as full-time bass player.

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