wolfer_logo_101Dutch Based Melodic Punk Hardcore Band Wolfer have released their debut EP “Old Ghosts & Present Demons” on April 1st. The digital album contains 4 songs and Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.

The band name Wolfer probably does not immediately ring a bell. Wolfer also exist not so long and debuted last December on stage. The band members have gained the necessary experience in bands like Despicable Heroes and Killing Goliath. Recently they have released their first music video, ‘Coward which can be seen below. Wolfer is compared with bands like Touché Amoré, Hundredth and Defeater, expect catchy melodies. 

Later this month Wolfer will play at the third edition of Rock for Eternity. Other performing bands will be: Innerwish (melodic metal from Greece), Metatrone (progressive power metal from Italy), Malchus (progressive melodic metal from Poland), A Sickness Unto Death (doom metal band from Germany), Nefast (psych black from the Netherlands). Rock for Eternity will be held on April 23 again at fluor (fka de kelder) in Amersfoort, the Netherlands.

Recently (March 2016) we did an interview with Wolfer,  it can be found here.


1. Face The Music 03:36
2. Present Demons 02:59
3. Old Ghosts 04:31
4. Coward 04:17


Weblinks: Facebook / Instagram / Bandcamp

Video below: ‘Coward’

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