Christ's Sake Album CoverSometimes a band actually places themselves in to the correct genre although many seem to not be very self-aware and misuse descriptive terms like “hardcore”, but that’s a whole other issue.  Being on Thumper Punk records, I was expecting Christ’s Sake to have either that SoCal punk sound like many of their other bands or maybe an East Coast punk sound also heard in some of their bands.  What I heard listening to this was not really either of those.  On their Facebook page, the band labels their sound as alternative punk and I think that is likely the best description as it is largely quite different than what would expect.

Christ’s Sake was founded by Lance Hendren, who is also the founding member of the Huntington Beach melodic punk band OCA.  Lance recruited the OCA drummer Vince Morales for his new project, brought in his son Dillon and then rounded up the other members to complete the band.

The most difficult part of Christ’s Sake sound for me to come to grips with are the vocals.  The harmonized vocals remind me greatly of the band Rock and Roll Worship Circus, which is pretty far away from punk rock.  The vocals are very clean and at times seem out of place given the subject matter.  “Reborn” is the first track on the album that really sounds like a punk song with it’s driving riffs and rapid-fire drumming, but the nice, clean vocals singing “my life is a mess and I’m so depressed”, just seem a bit out of place.   Much of the album actually sounds like indie rock/pop that has been influenced by punk, complete with jangly guitars, poppy beats, and pretty choruses.

As with “Reborn”, even a short, less than two minute song like “I Pray” which seems like it could be more of a “punk” song in the beginning, seems overly clean and nice and the vocals almost monotone.  Even the melodic punk bands have an inherent grittiness to their sound and Christ’s Sake seem overly clean and sanitized.  At one point in my life, I went to a Christian school and this would fall nicely into what they considered a good punk rock alternative to a secular band.  Unfortunately, this would likely lead to an unfair bias against Christian artists.  Ok, so maybe I’m reliving getting Petra as an alternative to Black Sabbath but you get the idea.   For those who have listened to OCA, Lance Hendren’s other band, this is completely different.   Listening to OCA, I hear the SoCal punk sound, gritty, melodic, and fast with an intensity that makes you want to jump around and circle pit, almost the opposite of what is here with Christ’s Sake.

If you go into this album expecting some of the “normal” punk rock from Thumper Punk records, you will likely be disappointed in this release.  If you go into this album without preconceptions, you will find a melodic, almost indie rock sound with punk rock influences that comes together in some well-crafted songs.

Rating: 6/10

1. Jesus Is Calling
2. Lift Up
3. 23
4. So Fine
5. Reborn
6. I Need My Lord
7. I Pray
8. My Jesus
9. Footprints
10. Find My Way Out
11. Revival
12. Fill Me Up
13. Set Me Free

Band Members:
Lance Hendren – Guitar, vocals
Vince Morales – Drums
Matt Kilia – Lead guitar
Zach Rogers – Bass guitar
Dillon Hendren – Backing vocals
Sandra Calvillo – Backing vocals

Record Label: Thumper Punk Records, 2013 (original independent release Oct. 2012)

Weblinks: Facebook / Bandcamp

Video below for “My Jesus”

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