25 January, 2015
1 category

‘I signed up for “Slave for a Day”. I want to take it up, together with you against human trafficking. Did you (or your band) wrote a song (or several), but did not found the opportunity to record it. For the highest bidder, I want to offer my studio and time. Proceeds will be donated to The A21 Campaign to aid in the war against human trafficking.
Geert’s motivation: For years, I live with the awareness of the seriousness of trafficking and forced prostitution. We (in the Netherlands) all be blessed with a free existence, and therefore we carry the responsibility to look at our neighbours who have not. Try in any way whatsoever, to be a light for the prostitute, servant or person who is forced to live in inhuman conditions. Therefore, I want to “Record against Human Trafficking”.’
Related Articles:
‘Jeremy Howlett’ Leaves ‘Burial Earth’ [Dec. 2012]
‘Burial Earth’ New Song Available For Streaming ‘Cleansing the Horizon’ [May 2013]
Category: Uncategorized