Steve Rowe [Mortification / Rowe Productions] issued the following message:   I just sat down and listened to the Master Disc of AntiDemon‘s new album Apocalypse Now this afternoon and it is KILLER!! Kind of Morbid Angel meets Suffocation mixed with the Trademark AntiDemon sound musically! Easily the band’s BEST Album to date both in Song Writing and Production! It is so AWESOME to have THE WORLD’S BEST CHRISTIAN DEATH METAL BAND coming out on Rowe Productions!!

With AntiDemon Touring the past 6 weeks it has been difficult for the band to get the Master Discs to me until now. However, Pre-Orders are now welcome! Infiltration Squad Members can order directly from me for $16 AUD (Australian Dollars) each POST PAID!! Online Retailers can also order directly from me for $12 AUD each Post Paid in Slip Bags only for an order of 12 CDs or more. This means that they are posted in QUALITY Slip Bags and you will need to place them in Cases and Trays ready for Retail Sale. If you are an Infiltration Squad Member Or Online Retailer or Distributor you must PRE-PAY via PayPal to info@roweproductions.com

I estimate to be posting all Pre-Orders July 25th latest! This New AntiDemon Opus is a SCENE CHANGING release and being currently on a 7 Month Tour, you are VERY likely to see them in your part of the world!! They are fulfilling my dream and calling by taking JESUS METAL TO THE NATIONS! Right now because of my health issues and with Lincoln and Andrew so connected here with Work, Family, University and Ministry, I see it now as my responsibility under God to pass on the baton and FACILITATE Bands that are truly out there ON THE ROAD IN CHRISTIAN METAL MISSION!!!!!

Antidemon released a live video with the first music written in English, in the band’s career. The track is called O Que Era Ruim Ficou Pior , the song is taken fom their album Satanichaos, which was released in 2009. The video can be watched below.

Upcoming Shows:
July 21- Gravesend, RS – BRAZIL.
August 4- Boa Vista, Roraima – BRAZIL.
August 10- Barriers-Bahia – BRAZIL.
August 11- Barriers-Bahia – BRAZIL.
August 18- Cuiabá, MT – BRAZIL.
August 25- Cuiabá, MT – BRAZIL.
September 8- São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro – BRAZIL.
September 15- Caratinga, MG – BRAZIL.
September 22- Curitiba, PR – BRAZIL.
October 01- La Paz – BOLIVIA.

Line up:
Batista – Vocal/Bass
Juliana – Drums
Luis – Guitar

Weblinks: Website / Facebook Myspace

Related articles:
‘Antidemon’ ‘Welcome To Death’ [Live Video] [Nov. 2011]
‘Milicia Fest’ 2011,  review [Brazil] [Dec.2011]
‘Antidemon’ Post Music Video For ‘O Que Era Ruim Ficou Pior’ [Jan. 2012]
‘Rowe Productions’ Sign ‘Antidemon [Feb. 2012]
‘Antidemon’ ‘Mexico’/’Central American’ Tour Announced’ [April 2012]
‘Antidemon’ – ‘Apocalypse Now’, Artwork Revealed [April 2012]

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