Dale Thompson is reporting the passing of Steve OsborneSteve played Guitar with Bride from 86′ to 88′ [Show No Mercy and Live to Die] and then again in 06′ to 09′ [Skin for Skin]. According to Dale, Steve took his own life because he was going through a period of depression.

Yesterday his wife [Sharon Osborne] posted the following message: “Our family lost a nephew to us, cousin to our children today. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. Steve Osborne, you will be missed very much. You were such a gifted musician and wonderful nurse. RIP Steve. I’m so sad.”

The video’s below were posted by Dale Thompson on his facebook wall  “in honor of my dear friend Steve Osborne.”

Steve Osborne played all over Live to Die. This show was in Fontana CA around 1989-90 Steve was awesome even then. Love you Steve – we’ll meet again.

3 Replies to “‘Steve Osborne’ [Bride] Passed Away

  1. Message from Dale Thompson [Bride]:

    By now many of you have heard abo0ut the death of Bride’s off and on long time guitarist and friend Steve Osborne. Steve’s death was a suicide. Before anyone begins to judge my friend I want to say for certainty Steve is with the Lord and his pain on this earth is behind him. Steve was one of the few people that I considered “dear true Christians.” No one will ever know why Steve left this world in this horrible fashion but depression and mental pain is real. I am sure he would say to anyone experiencing this sort of illness to trust God, seek professional help and have faith. 1Cr 3:15 If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. (Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Randy Rhoads will have to step aside as God’s guitar players for Steve Osborne has entered that next plain of life.

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